Mrs 5 O'clock

Mrs 5 O'clock adora chá e passa horas a organizar e etiquetar a sua colecção de infusões.
Detesta pessoas que se atrasam. 
Faz palavras cruzadas todos os dias no fim do almoço 
e compra flores todos os sábados de manhã (geralmente crisântemos).
Odeia Surpresas!

Mrs 5 O'clock loves tea and spend hours organizing and tagging her collection of infusions.
He hates people who are late.
Makes crossword every day after the lunch
and buys flowers every Saturday morning (usually chrysanthemums).
She hates surprises!

(Ilustração digital feita em photoshop com uma mesa Wacom)
Uma de várias personagens que estou a criar. O que vos parece?

(Digital illustration made in photoshop with a wacom table)
One of several characters I'm creating. What do you think?

2 comentários:

  1. She's great! I love her glasses and the sweet cup of tea! :) Can't wait to see your other characters as well! ;)

    1. Thank you! I'll post more characters soon... keep in touch! ;)
